日本国外にお住まいの方はMallet Internationalへ
2018/07/13  MALLET AUCTION Sale#180719 Revisions to Catalogue Contents

LotPageArtistTitleRevised Contents
14591André BauchantWork[Title Revision] Ancien Château dans la vallée
[Size Revision] 34.0×30.0cm
[Addition] sold with a certificate by M. Olivier Lorquin
14691André BauchantGirls Walking[Title Revision] Quatre Femmes dans un paysage
[Size Revision] 37.0×45.0cm
[Addition] sold with a certificate by M. Olivier Lorquin
14892André CottavozLes tulips rouge et blanches[Revision] the authenticity of this work has been kindly confirmed by M. Florent Cottavoz/ sold with a certificate by Mme. Hélène Cottavoz
193123Chung Sang-Hwa Untitled NO LOT
207132Atsuhiko MisawaANIMAL[Medium Revision] paper, adhesive material, paint, mixed media